Current Study

We are currently in the middle of our study in the book Jesus: 90 Days with the one and only by Beth Moore. You can jump in if you want! Below is an overview of how the book studies work and info on the next one!

Each quarter we will focus on one possibly two books – not simultaneously - who has time for that!?
Think of these as an online book club. Here’s how it will work.
At the beginning of each new ‘quarter’ (these won’t follow traditional quarters – see below) the new book for study will be posted. If you have suggestions for a devotional book or a specific topic you would like to study, please email me with your recommendations.
Every week (on Sunday) I will post the chapters or pages for everyone to cover for that week. Then the following Sunday I will post a recap of what was covered in the chapters and note the new chapters/pages for the next week. Got it?
Please feel free to share your comments, thoughts, feelings and insights God is teaching you through our studies together!! Use the forum below!
On the 4th Friday of every month, we will gather together to hang out, get to know each other, eat, socialize, pray and discuss the devotional/book we’re studying.
Book study ‘quarters’:
1.       January – March
2.       May - July (Jesus: 90 Days with the one and only)
3.       September - November (TBD)

Next quarter starts in September!

Share your thoughts or other ramblings here!